For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


So we are here! I have so much to share about what is happening....nothing ground breaking but at this point we just need daily confirmation that we are on the right track. So here we go! I'm going to recall as best as I can our adventure in the first 5 days!

Wednesday August 6th
The Father said, "these are the things I WILL DO FOR YOU"! Now let me share them with you....
1. I will prove a customs official wrong when she says,"relax, there is no way you are going to make that flight but don't worry we have lots going to Houston".
2. I will have a luggage personel come and ask to assist the last person in line (Chad) to see check our carseat so he somehow bypassed the 4 people in front of him.
3. I will help those 3 little kids to run as fast as there feet will take them to the gate!
4. I will get you to the gate 20 min after take off time but in due time to reverse the order from the gate attendant to remove the family of 5's luggage and have them (ok, 4 out 5 luggage bags made it to Belize) put back on the plane and the "family of 5" as we were referred to WILL make their flight!

What providence. We seriously got on the plane and filled the only 5 seats remaining and took off withing 10 min. I now know what glaring stares from waiting passengers feel like!

Next providence.....they let us enter the country! We've heard mixed comments about entering with a one way ticket but we had a favourable customs guard and duty attendant who also was going to ask us to pay 400 Belize dollars (200US) for good like laptop and tablets etc that we were bringing in to the country but somehow after chatting with him for a few minutes he chuckled and send us on our way without paying.

Thursday August 7th
Our first day here. 95 degrees without humidity! Thankfully we had lots of driving to do which is great because the car is the only place we have air conditioning! We bought a Ford Explorer from people we met a year ago and it seems to be a good vehicle so far so thank you Lord for providence of a car! We did some driving around to the local market to get some food and the insurance companies. Just before we left our shipper had asked us who our broker in Belize was. Broker?? We had no broker at the port and no connections. However, true God fashion when we picked up our car from this friend here he said no worries, I'll call Russel, he's handles all my stuff at the port. So, Russels did our broker stuff and we only had to pay  400BZ (200US) for that 1000 lbs of goods we brought in! Wow, that should have cost us WAY more. God is sooooo good.

Friday August 8th
Today was the day our shipment was supposed to be delivered at  4:00pm. We did a few more errands in the morning and stopped at the Macal Rio (river) for a refreshing dip and some fun for the kids who have been doing amazing! True to Belize life Paige's luggage that was left in Toronto had arrived 2 hours later then they told us in the town 2 miles from where we live so Chad and Keaton headed out to meet them and retrieve it. Meanwhile us girls waited at home and had just prayed the shipment that was supposed to arrive at 4:00 would still come even though 2 hours late so that while Chad was in town he could lead them here. And so it was, God heard our prayers and 15 min later we heard the hum of our truck and a big while delivery man behind him. We were able to invite the driver in for dinner before he headed on his 2 hour drive back home. He helped us to correct our 10 Spanish words we learned  for this week and then headed on his way. Really, a lovely interaction!

Saturday August 9th
One more day of errands to collect some pantry goods from Spanish Lookout. The Mennonite town about hour away but hey have a much better supply of raw goods. Ah, the store was about 20 x 14 but I felt at home with flours, vitamins, grains, essential oils.....some of you will understand that comfort! Anyway, we had a very moving conversation with the clerk there. God new we needed some confirmation that even though we still don't know what we are doing here we are not alone. Her story so similar to ours about how they moved here following God's direction but not yet knowing what their exact purpose was. It gave us goose bumps as she told her story so parallel to ours. We see that God is gathering people from across the world to come to Belize for a purpose. This gave us hope and a reminder that we will need to persevere.

Sunday August 10
A day of confirmation. We headed to the church we attended in Sept since it was familiar and we really like it. They played Rend Collective...what more could we ask! Beyond that for those of you who heard the prophetic word spoken over us in our church the Sunday before we left you will understand the providence of God when I tell you that the pastors message was that EXACT scripture. Roman's 12:20-25......unless a seed is dead and buried it can bear no fruit! God is revealing to us every single day that he is here with us!

Today's word was "RELENTLESS"  for me. I feel like God is relentless in showing us that we supposed to be here. It's so overwhelming that I told him today I need an emotional break ....I get it, no need to prove it to me any longer. We are where we need to be!

Love to you all until I can write again.
P.S. I'm not editing because I'm paying for internet time here, so please excuse my type o's!

1 comment:

  1. So, 95 degree's and NO Humidity !!!!! Wow !!!! (posted by: Uncle Jim)
