For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Day in the Life of Thursday

I'm going to make this a little different than the past. There's just too much to update you on completely. So, I'm going to give you a little tidbit of our Thursdays.

Oh, man this is hard already.....I want to start you back at Monday. Here we go.

We are in what I think they call cool season? Season are just not as "black and white" here as at home. But for sure it is comfortably cooler than the past 6 months. Our days, like most of yours at home are shortening.
South and coastal delivery day.
Chad and I wake before the sun rises. 5:30 starts our day to pick orders, pack coolers and load for delivery. I miss the days where the sun awakes before me, but it's not awakening long after us. This Thursday has a rather grand excitement in the air for us. Yes, the loud squawking of the brilliant green parrots in trees overhead create anticipation that the day is arising but this, this is a Thursday to rejoice just like those parrots and shout from the tree tops in our human voice!
You see business has been steadily growing. Wow, I look back to it's short birth only a year and a half ago and seek nothing but provision and answered prayer and even fulfillment of words prophesied over us! Last year we were sinking in work and prayer for a someone to work for us. We still have that answer to prayer with us today. Leroy continue to work 2-4 days a week to keep us a float. Now, since June or so we've been struggling to fit the rubix cube of crates and coolers in our bursting Ford Explorer on Thursdays for our Southern Coastal deliveries. So, we've been asking the Lord to show us what is our next vehicle. We've considered many. Passenger vans, trailers, trucks with no back doors, you know the usual good condition for Belize! But, each one as we considered it has fallen through for various reasons. Which the way we saw it was great! Yes, great. God closed the door because He had something else in mind for us. All it really was taking on our part was patience to wait.
So, this Thursday there was no rubix cube solution. We got our record breaking number of orders packed and we barely covered the floor our new dig for deliveries. She's a beaut Clarke! As the Dietrich boys would say. A 16 foot cube truck!  No photos today but you can see some if you go to our FB page. (Shoots Alive)
Although the truck is not officially ours we know we have received favour to be able to drive it today and for the seller to take our very small payment offer. So, we are believing this to be what God wants us to have. That however leaves room...pun intended for sure, for us to wait on God to fill it up! We went from no packing room to an echoing  box! It's going to be awesome to see what God brings our way.

Back to Thursdays. So, Keaton is delivering with Chad. Usually we are home doing school work but NOT today! Keaton is the co-captain for deliveries today. The kids love to go and do "real life school" with Daddy but the past months there has been no passenger room. So, today Keaton learns, order picking skills, customer service 101, on the sport accounting and receipt writing! This school is so great!
For us ladies today is a not a school book kinda day either. It's a homemaking day. What's that saying, when the boys are away the girls will play! It's a beautiful overcast, 84 degree  day to get to some fun sewing projects. Paige has become an expert sewer. Wait till you see what she made herself! Grady is now sewing as well and driving that machine with no fear. The kids continue to sew for their non profit organization they started and they still can't keep up. They continue to sew at least a day a week to fill orders of aprons, hanging tea towels, coasters and many other fancy creations.

Thursday evening are quiet and calm as it's a late delivery day. The boys will return somewhere between 8 and 10 pm tonight. A long day on the road, but Chad never complains. I bet right now they are already planning their tomorrow. You see because Thursday are planning days for block making! (I had to work in more details about our life somehow) So yes, they are likely planning every detail about how they will start by sifting the 3 truck loads of clay that got delivered to the land yesterday. Actually they're likely strategizing about how to get the 3 truck loads of clay to the top of the hill. You see hill life has a breath taking view....but challenges when truck can't get up your hill! By next week we hope to be in full swing making compressed earth blocks.

Diversion from Thursday........Most of you don't know that we are needing to move. The property we have rented for the past 2 years (what, we've been gone for 2 years already?) has sold. It's too has been an answer to prayers for the family that owns it. We knew it would come so it was not a surprise. So, we will be moving sometime between December and January somewhere between our property and Duck Run II. That means we don't know yet! We are asking that the Father expedites work on our house which is presently an unfinished cement pad. It's nothing short of miracle that will allow us to get our house at least walled to live in with water and electricity but hey....God's in that business! But we are open to going where ever He wants us.

Still diverting .....We had a fantastic visit with my little sister and her family who was here for 2 weeks. What a blessing. We loved every minute of it and were so, so, so blessed to have time with them. We still wait on residence paper before we could even consider going home so please pray with us for favour on this paperwork process through a very corrupt government.

Back to Thursday. Wait that's it. The darkness will fall early here in Belize especially for us who are slightly nestled in some jungle trees. By 6:00 it will be dark and we will pull out our books to read and likely listen to some rain falling on the loud tin roof. Cool seasons brings many evening rains that sound like buckets upon buckets of water falling on your roof.  Peaceful.

There is so much more to our days here and the are all so uniquely different. Maybe next time I'll write you about Monday harvest day or Tuesday delivery day, or Wednesday harvest day, or maybe Friday work at the property day, or Saturday our new REST  or Sabbath day or Sunday....our new half work day! Either day, no matter what we do we are always , always in awe of what is happening here in Belize and how the Father reveals new mercies, new blessings and overflowing love on us! May you all seek His riches and His glory and live in His benefits as well.

Love to all


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