For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oh, boy. As I sit here I realize its been so long since I wrote I can't remember what I left you with last!
Oh yes....a bit of a cliff hanger I believe. Last update was we were feeling we need to climate control our micro greens and we were feeling a gentle tug to get ready for a move possibly. Alright, I'll take it from there. So, we are still in our same house ....micro greens are not in a climate controlled room. Seems like nothing has changes, but yes we have done much work none the less.
Business continues to grow and we seem to take on new customers other week which is awesome. If you haven't seen our product that we are selling here in Belize check it out on our business Facebook page. We  are Shoots Alive on Facebook. October and November are typically off season for tourism here and so as many...actually most of the resort on the coast close shop we took that as an opportunity to revamp and look at how we could improve our growing. We have taken the last 7 weeks off from delivering to the coast (Hopkins) but have maintained our local Cayo weekly deliveries.
So, we have deliberated and strategized over the past 7 weeks of how to conquer the this extreme heat to improve our growing conditions. We thought maybe an air conditioned climate controlled shipping container was going to what we move to next. However, the overall cost has really held us back as well as we are unsure of where exactly we should locate the business because if we move it to a shipping container we will not be able to host it here were we live.
In the meantime, as we slowly moved from hot season to wet seasons we figured the temperatures here would drop enough to enable out outdoor growing to improve on it's own. Well, with one change always brings another unforeseen change! I'd love to say the temperature are cool....but I can merely say they are "cooler". Our rainy season had been rather dry but we realize with even the less than normal amount of rain we now lack sunlight needed to amply grow the greens and we had our old mould issues return because the humidity is now back to 90% they stay too wet and don't dry out. So, we remedied this by moving most of the growing upstairs in the house under LED lights.
God provides. We have a friend at church who has started a solar business and he had wonderful tiny rolls of strip lights in exactly the lumen and spectrums that we needed. So, although we haven't been able to lower the temperature they seem to be doing well in there new location!
This week we start delivering to the coast again so we are ramping up for busy season.

We have again been amazed at how perfectly God works. We have our first potential clients flying in to scope out several lots on Nov. 29! For me this is so God showing me that when we step out in faith and have faith and live faith we see faith! Confusing concept to explain but in other simple terms. We really knew God led us to purchase this property and although common knowledge and the norm tells us to hang tight land take a long time to sell here....we have held on to and tried to speak our faith that God will provide. Sure there are moments of freak out....but my freak out moment have diminished to a short few seconds. I can't look at all God has provided and the way I see Him giving us all the desires of our hearts and not have faith that "MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL MY NEEDS". Truly, truly He blows my mind every week!
You know I hesitate to talk about finances and funds because I don't want anyone to feel sorry or worried for us but I feel that I need to speak of it as a testament to what God is doing for us and how He is calling us to live and transforming our lives.
Our business is going well but especially in off seasons we are not yet making the amount we need to live off. We have been blessed  to have savings that have supplied us thus far and will provide for a short time in the future. But man, this is largely where God is showing us a "better way". Our cushion is getting slimmer and yet I have no fear. We have to be wise about what we spend but shouldn't we all? I lack nothing. I find peace, actually more peace in knowing that God will provide when we need. How is it any different than trusting that Chad was going to continue to provide and work hard so our needs could be met. Does not our Heavenly Father love us even more than that. Then yes, he will. In fact he delights in giving his children good gifts....sometimes we just don't allow Him to give us gifts. Here's a very recent example of this. My parents are coming (yeah, thank you Lord for visitors!) the beginning of Dec. I have a few school books I needed to order and for them to bring to us. So as I was on I figured you know what the kids are loving Dutch Blitz, I'm going to just order because they we play a lot of games and the number form of entertainment for us. So, I take it upon myself to order it and yes, it was not a necessity but felt it would be put to great use. Long and short. We attend our small group on Friday (the day after I placed my order) and as the kids are playing this game there the hostess says, "Hey, I actually have two extra games that are brand new....why don't you take one, your kids love it".  I chuckled to myself as I instantly and clearly see how I neglected to go to my unlimited Godly resource. Why had I not just asked Him to provide for a desire I had. I could have. I should have. Then I wouldn't have needed to take it upon my own self to get this game. Simple. Some of you might call this trivial and random or coincidence but I tell you, "Try it". Try Him. You will see that God truly seeks and delight in giving us our requests. Big, small, significant, insignificant, necessary or sometimes even luxury!

I share those stories because that is the journey we are on. We are being so transformed in our understanding and walk with God. It's fantastic, challenging, rewarding, fulfilling and freeing.

Ok, now to quickly scan through what else has been happening in our days. School is going well. The kids are amazing at daily getting to the grind. Paige continues to exude a love for learning. She wakes and starts her daily schedule before breakfast or getting out of her P.J.'s. She loves to learn and write. I look at her and see she growing into such a soft gentle young lady. That is from her Nana ladies and gentlemen! Sorry Mom (Gatt) we but we both know soft and gentle is not a Puklicz trait! No, in reality it's a God trait. She doesn't express much but she recently shared with me that she doesn't ever worry because long or get upset because she just starts  singing praise songs when she feels anything she can't handle and then she's fine. So true. Praise.
Keaton is the same energetic, life loving, helper as usual. School for him is not as exciting but he get's his work done. He's teaching me to be understanding and patient, and patient and patient. Actually, as I teach him I realize he is me. I remember the tears I shed while homeschooling because I didn't understand what I was learning or because I let someone down. He is the same. This is the hard part of homeschool. Recognizing that each child is so different and then having the patience to walk them through their learning curve. All the while trying to build them up. I struggle with this but I pray for God's grace and patience that my frustrations would not harm Keaton because he really just wants to please. He is doing well. though. He excels in Math and we have to work hard on spelling and writing.
Grady. She is studious as the rest of them. She is reading well and find delight in being able to have a school routine like the other two. They all continue to work at their Spanish and they all already know more than Chad and I.   We have recently started playing UNO in Spanish. Mostly so I can remember my colours and numbers!

Chad continues to spend a few mornings a week at the property. He's slugs away clearing the road bed or chopping trees. It's tough work in this 95 degree heat and he never complains.

School is back in so some of our volunteer jobs are back in full swing. We go to our village Learning Centre two afternoon a week and help with home work. Chad and Nery(our close friend) have started taking in 6-9 kids every week to youth group at our church. We run a feeding program through our church that feeds our local school a meal/snack every week. Let's see. The kids are putting their sewing skills to work and have decided to start a sewing business with two other girls so they can raise money to buy gifts for the village preschool for Christmas.
In my life I had the awesome privilege of assisting in our friend home birth. She births unassisted and didn't really need me but was there for support and assistance however she needed. It was awesome to see a women rely on the Holy Spirit to not give her more than she could bear and not walk with her through the birth of their son. Memorable. A healthy 10lb boy was born right before my very eyes. I continue to play keyboard at church. This is my greatest blessing. I am growing in my gifting weekly and am so amazed how God has returned this gift to me. I love being part of worship. Between school cooking, volunteer and the business that we all work at equally I have to be careful not to take on too much more.

We seem to be entering the calm before the storm. .....the visitor storm. Staying true to their words both my parents and Chad's parents are coming again this winter. We will have Chad's Uncle in the new year as well and hopefully another friend...Tyler you are coming right? We always, always welcome visitors. The way it's looking we will have about 10 weeks of company over the winter! And we will love every minute of it. What a true blessing to us that friends and family can come and stay with us. We are so grateful. Guess that leads me to a residency update. We just had our police check last week. Praise the Lord. Now they state a case for us and it goes to the capital city police station then back to immigration for approval. Still will be a few months but we rejoice in every milestone that gets us closer to coming home for a visit!

I'm sure there is so much fore to tell. I would love to commit to being more diligent but writing is not my thing. You are all laughing now thinking back on how long this post was, right? I actually told Chad I was going to start audio blogging. Talking would be so much faster. We'll see. Maybe I'll surprise you. You can all thanks Jennifer Downs for this post. She taunts me every few months when I haven't posted anything. Heck, maybe she's the only out there reading this blog!!
We do love you all. We appreciate all that read this and pray for us and write us.

I will try to post some picture this week to reward you for the lengthy posting.


  1. great to hear!!! and YES more than 1 person reads this blog!!! :) I love when I see a 5 monkeys swinging in belize update in my email!! And I love to hear your testimonies of his faithfulness and its a great reminder for me to allow God to work faithfully in my life as well by just praying and being open to his will! I heard a story recently from someone near my parent's church, they make ends meet on her husband's 1 income and she loves to be home with their baby, but she did talk about the intentional spending and not wanting to make extra unnecessary purchases. But, her daughter did need some type of footwear for the cooler months, and she had planned to shop one day that week but her daughter wasn't feeling well so she postponed shopping. And then in the next days she got a phone call from another church member saying she had a bag of baby clothes and some shoes that she thought might fit their little girl and she wanted to pass on! Its wonderful to share these stories of God's work in our lives to continue to remind us all that He is so much greater than all of our plans and His ways are so much more intricate than we can even comprehend!!! Love you all!!!! Emily

  2. Love catching up with you all! Thank you for giving us a window into your life. God provides so well for us all. At times it is just that we need to sit and wait. For some reason I'm not getting email notifications that you post....but now worries. I do random checks.
    Lots of love!

  3. You are never too old to learn as this is my second try at composing a note to you guys. So great to read you are very happy in Belize and doing well. We had many Blessings this holiday. Talking to Dana and children on skype. The internet is great but one must use wisely. Also I could use Chad, I got a new wireless printer and it just won't work, maybe it is the operator. I know Chad could fix it for me. Getting excited for spring
    I have downsized my garden but still have room for a few tomatoe plants, beans and some peas. It touches my heart when I read how happy you guys are. Take care, give my luv to the children and a hug to all, shirley

    1. Hi Shirley. So great to hear from you! I trust that you and Don had a great Christmas season. Yes, Skype is a great tool to stay in touch but it is no substitute to sharing time in person which we now cherish so much when we have visitors. Stephanie's parents were here with an couple in December and Uncle Doug is coming to see us on January 10th for 3 weeks. Then mom and dad after that in February. Belize is certainly starting to feel like home for us. We could use your gardening expertise here in Belize. We thought we were pretty good gardeners back home but we are rookies here in Belize. great year around growing temperatures but you have to deal with bugs, fungus and downpours that can wipe out your harvest very quickly. We try and we learn and we adapt! Hope the grandkids are doing well, I am sure they are growing so quickly. I hope you get that printer fixed up soon. I may not be such a good tech guy anymore after being in Belize with very little technology!!! Thanks again for reaching out to say hi. It is so great to hear from you guys. I will include a few links to facebook pages with some of our ventures that we are working on. Shoots Alive is a microgreen business where we sell microgreens to restaurants and resorts in Belize. Vista del Sol is a development project we are working on with our Belizean best friends where we hope to move sometime this year (Lord willing). The development consists of 33 lots which we are selling to others as well. And Kids2kids Belize is a project our kids work on with their best friends to make sewing projects and sell to raise money to help needy kids. Blessings to your entire family. Please say hi to your girls for me as well. Chad
