For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Catch up!

It's our rest day and a time I am finally pulling myself away from the norm to catch you all up on our life!
Today we said good bye to the last of our scheduled visitors. We have been abundantly blessed again this past year with God brining us family from home to fill our love tanks and reunite us in again. Today my parents left after a 17 day stay, Chad's parents were with us for 4 weeks before that Chad's Uncle Doug blessed us for 6 weeks and back in September my little sister Laura and her family were with us. Wow, that is overflow of blessing for sure. We love every minute we can spend with family. We see that every visit not only bind us closer together but we spur each other on in faith. I realize how blessed we are to have family that shares the same faith and love for our Father!

Ok. What has happened since we talked a lot! This is going to be the Coles notes version. If you want to find out more you are just gonna have to book a flight to come visit us!
We moved. The end of January marked our goodby to the house we were renting for the past 2 and a bit years. Although I personally had some reservations about the move, I have learned again that committing to the Father's ways are best. He has our best intentions in mind and His plan is higher than our plan. So, we now reside in the neighbouring village to where we were. Our best friends moved out of their house so we could move in and rent from them. We now live in a great, no fantastic, no perfect place for our family. More breeze, more flat, more space and more kids! The kids are thriving here in Georgeville, where our friends now live in a house at the front of the property with several other renters and we live in the back. We have a super great space for our micro greens growing and harvesting and our small little farm of chickens and kittens.
Business. Wow! The increase that the Father has given us in the past 8 month of business is a miracle. We have gone from a small self run micro greens company selling maybe 80 containers and delivering in our Ford Explorer to an online, family plus soon to be 2 employees producing and distributing mostly local vegetables, snacks, artisian products supplying most of the resorts on the cost of Hopkins and Placencia as well as serving a personal customer base of about 40 people, and delivering in our 16 foot box truck!  I remember in Novermber, we were amazed at our growth that topped at 45 orders. Now we have between 65-75 orders and deliveries a week. We have just recently had to change our delivery schedule to be an overnight trip. Poor Chad leaves on Thursday morning at 6:30 and returns home Friday at 4:00ish after 2 long days of delivering. All this is nothing less than God's provision. All those who have been here can attest with us that it's not easy....weekly vehicle issues especially. But we see that through every single challenge and breakdown God has something to teach us, provide for us, or maybe even he needs us to be a blessing to someone else. He is teaching us to commit all things into His hand and reminds us daily " a mans steps are directed by the Lord",
Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?
Proverb 20:24
Here is where I need to give a shout out to Chad. He truly has had so much change and so much growth in the past 2 years. Most of you who new his former ways would likely not understand the way her operates now. He is a strong man of faith, a mighty mighty prayer warrior, a Godly leader for our family who has the gifts of discernment, visions, and a double portion of patience. The patience is due to a combination or me for a wife and Belize as a place of living.....we are doing a fine job the two of us teaching him patience! I think of the scripture in  
Hebrews 11:1
and also
Romans 4:17
Chad is rooted in these things. He is so faithful. God has given him visions here and he is so driven to see them through. Even when it looks impossible in our (or my) eyes, Chad is confident in this, that our God IS the one who calls the unseen into existence!
The land development where we will one day live is moving at a snails pace for our North American mind, at a normal pace for Belize time, and at the appointed pace for God's time line. Although it seems slow, God is at this time assembling the people here. We will live in community with the people that have bought up on our hill and it's AMAZING who is collecting here to do that with. We currently 5 maybe 6 families planned to live up there and the stories of how we've met and the visions we have would blow your mind! It's because of that testimony of all of us having the same vision for what is to transpire on the hill that puts us at rest that it is not OUR project up there. It's God's, and he assembling the people and He will provide the timing funds for us to be us there when he wants us there. It's very exciting and yet so overwhelming for us at time to see the vast amount of work to be done. But we stand firm on His promises and on the vision of a community, a health retreat and a church that will one day be up there with us.
I now have 3 sets of eyes peering over my shoulder wondering when I'll be done. So, my time is coming to an end as a writer and I shall return to my motherly role.
We are blessed beyond words. I truly, truly wish I could share every miracle we see, every tear of missing home I shed, every joy we find, all the laughter and frustrations we have on this journey but's our journey. The best I can encourage each of you is to embrace each of those things and witness them in your own lives. Yes, we have these things in our every day and week but you what, YOU DO TOO! Open  your eyes to the miracles, blessings, and joys that God gives you in your life. Don't be afraid to remind God of His promises to you, but to do that you need to KNOW what he has promises you as His Child. Get in His word. Seek out what you are entitled to as his beloved child! You will see that we are walking in but a fraction of what he intends for us. We are not children of the dark we are children of the light!
1 Thesselonians 5:5
He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.…
Colossions 1:13-14

Love to you all and Blessings.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Words that I Never Had

Greeting friends. I bet you think I've stopped blogging. No I haven't. We have just been overwhelming blessed with visitors,  moving, a thriving business. I can't wait to post a good long blog to catch you up. but I'll warn you'll need a coffee and little bit of time. But that is to come. for now since I am going to procrastinate for just little while longer I'll let Francis Chan do the talking.
There are many of you who I'm sure still don't have a great understanding of why we made such a drastic change or how we could venture out on this amazing path we've been on in the last few years. I've found it hard to entirely put into words what our hearts cry was but in this short clip that I came across I teared up because Francis spoke the words of our heart exactly! I hope you can see what stirred us and I will be a testimony to the truth that living beyond our comfort is the most rewarding way to see God's truth play out in our lives. I always preface that it's not just about moving to a new country ...yes, that is what we did but it looks very different for everyone. You can live in faith where you are today!
Be blessed and I pray that this word challenges that hearts of those who read it so you can reap the blessing of living in the Father's plan!

Francis Chan: Stop Idolizing Family