For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Time To Tell

That's right, time to tell of all the great things that God has been doing for us. We stepped more than a year ago knowing that there was more to this life than what we could provide for ourselves and on our own we were not finding fulfilment or getting any closer to reaching the things that are souls and hearts were passionate about. One of those convictions Chad and I both felt is that we relied too heavily on what "we could provide". Sure Chad could put in a 60 work week and meet our financial needs but is that truly the faith God calls us to? To be self sufficient and self supplying of our needs? I know that God is the provider of those jobs we have that pay the bills but too easily we were gaining pride in positions and rank.

Psalm 127

Unless the Lord builds the house,
    the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
    the guards stand watch in vain. It was time to walk out on the water and see if we could have our feet say what our mouths preach. If we say we trust God to be our supply and proclaim that He will meet all our needs according to His riches (Philippians 4:19) than needing to be willing to trust him for our supply!
So, now it's time to tell you just how great our God is!
Our Shoots Alive company is now up and running. We have had two sold out weekends at the local market and the feedback has nothing but positive....ok, there was one stick in the mud old guys on a bike that wasn't thrilled about them but he ain't steeling my thunder! We have a lovely assortment of 6 flavours of nutrient filled microgreens selling weekly now. We have only a small green house so we are taking it slow in adding new customers. However, our first restaurant/café/resort pitch went great and they are on board for weekly delivery already.
It was nothing short of a God appointment. Our first week at the market I saved a few containers so I could stop at a very small café that is connected to one of the more "shwanky" resorts in town. You know the kind that Cameron Diaz and Prince Harry go to! Long story short as I am showing them the sprouts I have to sell they are blown away! Why you ask? Because the chef proceeds to tell me they are just revamping their menu and they are plating the new menu for all the bosses in 3 days. He says, "We've been looking for something like this and couldn't find anything close." We could only say, "Thanks you Lord for this time and this place that you put before us".
We were on a high after the first week. And he does the enemy of lies was out not liking the joy, excitement and eucharisto (thanksgiving) we were attributing to God. So, the second week in the greenhouse was satan's attempt to rob that from us.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
We had a drastic rise in humidity and literally when we walked in the green house early in the week we had slight mold starting and the microgreens were turning to mush throughout the trays due to way to much moisture. It was heartbreaking seeing it and thinking that by the time Friday (harvest day) came we could have nothing left to sell. We did move our small fan from the house into the greenhouse but aside from that we prayed. Yes, I spoke out loud every morning I entered that greenhouse and said, "God you are the giver of life and You cause all things to grow". We thanked him daily for what He was doing and I tell you the truth Friday morning harvest day.....we had the best harvest of all but one kind of seed!
Our flesh wants to scramble and make fixes and do everything we can....which we can but sometimes we need to throw our hands in the air and cry, "Lord this is beyond me, take it. I TRUST you. I THANK you."
What did God give us. A little miracle. A blessing. A little more faith. A testimony for our test.
So simple and yet it would be so easy to claim it was our fan that saved the day!
My sight is starting to be transformed. I see through altered lenses. Or do I see more clearly now? Why do I so easily boast in other things and not in the Creator, the Giver of all good things.  I'm getting there but I need to keep my eyes open. When I open them I see all around, everyday the goodness of the Lord.
Our passions and our desires are being filled daily. As we progress on developing the 30 acres we have purchased we are in awe that all the dreams we had over the past 10 years are becoming a reality. Thanks you Lord for creating us for a purpose and filling the passion You made us for. We will soon be carving out the road bed at what we now call "Vista Del Sol" our neighbourhood building project by D9 Developers. That's us and our good friends that we are partnered with.  

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking but we are excited to see what appointments God has for us next.
The Burn

The property doesn't look great now but rainy season is upon us and it's already coming back to life.

It actually could look like a snowy mountain.

Planting day for Shoots Alive

This is what the breath of God breathed for us last week

Just cause she's cute!

Harvest Friday's! A family affair and everyone has a job to do!

Our desire was to work together and  that we do now every Friday.

Green things make me happy!
Micro bath....a double wash, a spin, a pat dry and......

The final product.

Yummy, yummy ready for the market

Blessings to all,