For the last year and a half we have been feeling that God wants to rock our world. Seemingly we have all that anyone could every want and yet we remain wanting. Not wanting more stuff but wanting to spend more time with each other and more time fulfilling the Lord's purpose for our lives. God has moved in amazing ways over this time and showed us the type of lives he wants us to live. Has God chosen Belize for us? No actually. But we have clearly heard him tell us that we can chosen to live out his new challenge for us where ever we chose and he will honor that choice. But he graciously encouraged us to ensure we follow through on what he has called us to. So, off we go.
Please check in on us often so you can hear how the Lord is working in our lives and we take this step of faith and obedience.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The BIG News!!!

Hi All

It's Chad again....Stephanie mentioned some big and exciting news in her last post.  Well, here it is...We are buying property here in Belize!!!  A prayer answered by a God that surprises and delights us constantly when we give our desires over to him. 

Several months ago our closest friend here in Belize who is a very experienced real estate investor who is from Belize told us about a 33 acre property 6 minutes down a bumpy gravel road heading towards a beautiful and growing tourist area here in Belize.  Close to zip lining, cave tubing, water falls, Mayan ruins, luxury resorts and lots of adventure!  So we headed out with our families and took a beautiful and challenging hike around the perimeter of this hilly property consisting of high hills, jungle, fern meadows (the ferns are 5-6 feet high!) and dry creek beds. (it was a dry time of year).  We did bush whack with our machete up a big hill and found we had a 360 degree view of the mountains in the distance.  So beautiful.  We were in awe of the beauty of what God has created! 
Our pictures just don't do it justice.

The jungle

 The beautiful house on the property!  Just kidding.

We were immediately excited but the plan was to wait until June when the listing with the real estate agent expired.  Our partner in this found out about the property through his many contacts and thought it best to wait to save a pile of money.  We were in no hurry so we decided to wait it out.  As we were partnering 50/50 with our friend we knew many factors were involved in bring this deal to fruition so we were not getting our hopes up.  We gave it to God and said whatever your will is we are OK with it.

While my brother was here for a visit I felt compelled to take him to the property to show him what we were thinking.  The original plan was for our partner and us to each build our homes on the top of the hill and severe 5 lots or so along the road frontage below our building spots.  During our hike we found that the property has many great hill top sites.  we immediately rethought our plan to included 10 lots spread throughout the property with a fruit tree/garden area at the front and a nature trail surrounding the entire 33 acre property.  But we still weren't getting too excited because although June was getting closer it was still a long way off and our partner seemed to be waning in excitement for the property.

To our surprise our partner called 2 days later to ask if we wanted to do this deal NOW!  NOW, What!  The owner was eager to do the deal and he would deal with the real estate company to eliminate commissions.  So in 5 days from the hike with my brother we had made a down payment on the property as partners and are going through the process of purchasing the property. 

Today was a big day as we started clearing/ under-brushing the land so see what the lay of the land really looks like so we can start identifying building sites and map out a subdivision plan.   This is done the old fashion way with machete in 100 degree weather.  And yes, this white boy was working side by side with a couple of Belizeans with my machete. We are so excited for this opportunity as property development had always been a dream of ours and God has opened the door for us here in Belize. 

So if a 1-3 acre slice of heaven sounds pretty good to you then stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks and months as our project progresses. 

With the thought of building a happened to stumble across a mahogany lumber sale at our local lumber yard.  I ended up picking up 4 skids of beautiful mahogany lumber for $450 US.  This stuff is beautiful, some of it is 2 inches thick and 12 inches wide!  I sanded a small piece after it was delivered and it came up amazing.  I am looking forward to building a few tables and maybe even a kitchen with this lumber.  I am sure I will post the cool stuff we are able to create with this bargain find.

Anyway, all that to say we are super excited with what God is doing right now and our days suddenly got every busy.  We will keep you all posted as things progress, in the mean time be thinking about the tough winter you just had and the fact that it was 80-90 degrees all winter long in Belize.  Who will be the first to contact us to purchase a great investment here in Belize??!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Last of the Snowbirds

So many new things to tell about but I'm going to keep you all hanging until the next post! So mean but I wanted to take some time to first reflect on our latest and last of the snowbird visitors.

We just spent Easter with Chad's brother and his family. The kids were thrilled to have cousins to share beds, clothes, hats, shoes, hair do's, stories, adventure and laughter with. I'm going to do very little writing this post and let the pictures do the talking. We have a good story to tell for almost every picture which  made it a truly memorable and fantastic week.
For us it was reminiscent of our cottage vacations together so it felt very familiar which is always a welcomed feeling for me.
   We toured almost every day. We wore the kids out on hikes, zip lines, swimming and the bumpy, bumpy van rides! The fair skinned red heads who just came out of hibernation from a long deep winter did amazing in the  90+ degree weather we were blessed with. We were able to take our first trip out to one of the two main islands. We chose to spend a day at Caye Caulker, the smaller of the two islands and for me it was the highlight excursion. A small quaint island town where only golf carts and bathing suits are needed! The water is every shade of teal and turquois you can image! We had an awesome paddle boarding experience over pristine water filled with sting rays, tarpons, and starfish. It was a breath taking paddle! By now Mandy is laughing because the experience didn't exactly start out that way. But I'll loose my pride and leave you with a laugh to end this post so that you can all join the laughter.
So, we decide to rent two boards. First Mandy and I would go out and exchange off for the boys to go out while the non boarding team watched the kids. Mandy and I got the very quick briefing of how to paddle these things. After a slightly confusing discussion about how we were planning on just handing off the boards to the guys and returning the boards at the end of our two hour rental the guys realizes that Kyle and Chad filled out waiver forms but we had not yet. As he was contemplating making up get out of the water and heading back to the shop to sign a waiver a gentleman walks up to waters edge inquiring also about renting a paddle board. In true Belize form he looks at us and says, "Oh screw it, just go". They prefer business over policy! Anyway, all that so I give the guys an alibi as to why he maybe neglected to remind or explain it was very import to get on the board the correct way. It started out easy but I got rocked off and slid back on part way getting out of the rough water. No big deal.....unless I neglected to notice I was on the board backwards! Let's just say a few of us have erased the time span from then till Mandy pointed out that my board was backwards! I was  a tad bit frustrated and that's never a pretty sight, right Chad! Got her switched around and it was smooth sailing! So, yes. A rather funny moment that we call laugh at NOW.
Enjoy the pictures. And feel free to be the next lucky guests to be greeted with fresh coconuts and home made tostones at the airport! Our visitor schedule is now wide open!